#PrideMonth entry 1: my best friend

Five years ago (in uni), I was blessed with the most amazing debate partner anyone could ask for, and he’s still one of my best friends. Everyday, I’m grateful that he is who he is and that I got to meet him. If there was anyone to discriminate against him – call him names, deprive him of rights, belittle him, I will not sit idly, and watch. I’ll make sure they (whoever they are) understand that no one deserves to be treated that way. As much as I can logically argue for rights, I would admit that LGBT, in particular, is a personal cause for me. When I hear people say that gays shouldn’t be allowed to marry or adopt kids, they’re saying that my best friend who, for the past tumultuous six years of my life, has been a rock and a supporter, is not good enough to reaffirm his love for another or build a family just because of his sexual preference. That, I cannot stand. Who you are and who you choose to love is not reason to be treated with any less dignity than any other person. You deserve to be seen as an equal because you are. 


It’s time to strip and don the colors of the rainbow, people. It’s Pride Month! 

Every single one of my avid readers already knows that I’m a massive supporter of anything LGBT. I’ve talked about it on previous posts, written literature about it, even put up photos that signify my support for it (links below). If I could, I would wear a shirt that says ‘LGBT rights is human rights’ everywhere I went, but I don’t think my clients would appreciate me walking up a business meeting in a graphic tee.


But I do wanna celebrate this amazingly colorful month with you guys so I decided that I’m declaring this blogging month as an ‘All Pride Month’. It simply means daily posts (yes, yes it’s a huge responsibility) about anything pride-related – pictures, twitter trends, Youtuber features, movie recommendations, readings lists (paperback and Wattpad) and my usual opinions entries.

I want to make this as interactive as possible, so if there’s anything you want me want me to feature in the coming days, you can comment below or email them to me. Oh, and if you wanna show your support as well, feel free to make my rainbow header yours too.

That’s all for today, guys. Happy Pride Month!


Graphics by: Rye Lee

Links (previous entries on LGBT):